Monday, July 1, 2013

Family Dinner & Devos, July 1-7

Traveling through summer... anchored in faith...

Last week, as we began summer chapels, we talked about a faith-lived-out... about living by the "fruits of the Spirit."  You can call it a summer "to do" list, each day practicing the fruit that Paul writes about to the early church in the city of Galatia:

This was a life passed-on to us... a way of living and being in the world.  As people gather around 4th of July celebrations and history is remembed and people think of a "country passed down" to us, we will gather in the chapel on July 3rd and give thanks to church fathers and mothers, to the faithful of old, who passed down "the faith" to us.  This week's focus scripture is HEBREWS 11:8-12.  It remembers Abraham who followed God faithfully.  Questions to consider are...
  • What does it mean to follow God's call?  
  • What does it mean to "walk by faith?"  
  • How is grace essential as we try to live this life of faith?
  • Who has been someone in your life who has "passed on the faith" and helped strengthen or bless your own spiritual journey?
  • What are your hopes for our nation in terms of people living out their faith or living in faith?
Ponder these questions and pray together as a family this week... around your dinner table... or picnic table... or in the car as you head all sorts of directions this summer.  May you be blessed with a meaningful, safe, and beautiful "holiday" week.

And don't forget that Wednesday evening chapel service is open to you whenever you can come... families of all ages, shapes, and sizes are welcome.  After chapel, we have dessert at the picnic tables.  We hope to see you there!

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