Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Family Dinner & Devos, Apr 8-14

Note – Easter is not just one day – it is 50 days long – a whole season of Easter!  During this season we will be talking about “living the resurrection” and asking ourselves each week this question (or a version thereof): 
“Where did you see signs of life this week?”

Learn-By-Heart Verse for the Week (NIV Translation):
O Lord, you brought me up from the grave, you spared me from going down into the pit.”  Psalm 30:3

This Week’s Scripture PassageActs 9:1-20

Quote for the Week:
“[The gospel writers] come at [the resurrection] from different directions and provide different details, but one element is common to each of them: 
a sense of wonder, astonishment, surprise.”
 - Pastor Eugene Peterson from the book Living the Resurrection

Read the scripture passage and then ponder these questions as a family (simplify for younger children – or rephrase as you need to – as you reflect on “Paul’s New Life”)…
1.      Describe how Paul’s life changed.
2.      In this story, Paul was blinded and then saw again.  Yet the greatest change was that Paul’s hatred towards Christians changed to enormous love for Jesus Christ.  Paul saw things in a new way.  What things (or people or places) do you see differently than you once did?
3.      Verse 16 of Acts 9 says that Paul will suffer in this new life… yet it is Paul, in writing later to the church in Philippi (Philippians 4:4:11-13) that he is content in all circumstances and that he can do all things through Christ who strengthens.  How might our lives be different, even our days of suffering, if we saw them through the lens of resurrection – through the strength of Christ’s life within us?
4.      Psalm 30 talks about how God takes weeping and sorrow and turns them into joy.  You may want to read these words of promise… that new life does indeed come.
5.      Part of “living the resurrection” is that we don’t see things the same way.  We can look with wider eyes and be caught with the wonders of the world.  What part of creation catches you with wonder or astonishment or surprise?  (you could go on a neighborhood walk after your dinner and try to look with “wider eyes” and seek out signs of life and spring and wonder)

And the “resurrection” question…
Each week during this Season of Easter, ask one another around the table a version of the following question… “Where did you see signs of life this week?” or “When did you feel that you had life and energy within you?” or “How did you experience the resurrected Christ in your life?”

Book study…
An invitation to adults… do you ever wonder what “resurrection” means in your daily life?  Why does Easter make such a difference?  How do we live fully?  You are invited to read Living the Resurrection by Eugene Peterson; in early and mid-May, group discussion times based on the book will be offered.

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for amazing grace, that we can be blinded but then yet can see.
Thank you for newness… for new beginnings, second chances, and ways out of the pit.
Thank you for spring flowers, buds on trees, and baby animals.
Thank you that you are a God who hears our cries and sits with us,
working within and around us,
transforming our pain into hope.

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