Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Family Dinner & Devos, March 11-17

Something Old, Something New
Learn-By-Heart Verse for the Week (NIV Translation):
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!”  Isaiah 43:18-19

Something OldIsaiah 43:16-21
Something New:  John 12:1-9

1.  Lent helps prepare us for a “new” thing… for resurrection and new life.  The prophet Isaiah promised that God would do a new thing.  In the town of Bethany, Jesus did a very new and unexpected thing… he raised Lazarus from the dead!  Are there any old patterns in your life that need to be broken?  Are there certain things in your life that need to be laid to rest so as to make way for something new?  Or… what new thing do you want to try this week?

2. The monks of old made a vow to both “stability” and “adaptability” – or you could say a commitment to the old and the new.  Why are these mutual, yet seemingly opposite, commitments so important… why is it good to be stable yet adaptable, to hold on to the old yet also embrace the new?

3. The gospel story tells of Mary pouring expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet.  Judas objected.  Is there any sort of “Judas-obstacle” in your life that is trying to get in the way of you living fully in Christ?  Do you think Mary might have been giving thanks for Jesus who brought her brother Lazarus back to life?  What new or unexpected thing can you give God thanks for?

Dear Jesus,
We thank you that you are the Lord of old and new.
Help us to know what old things to hold on; help also know what old things to let go of.
Reveal to us what new things you want to do in and through us.
May we experience new life in you and share that life-joy with others.

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