Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Family Dinner & Devos, May 12-19

The Day of Pentecost…
The 50-day journey of Easter comes to an end this Sunday with Pentecost.  Pentecost is the “birthday” of the church.  Pentecost ushers us into a new season… sometimes called “The Season after Pentecost” or “Ordinary Time” or “The Season of the Church.”  On the Christian calendar, we spend approximately 6-months living and learning the story of Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection.  Then we spend the next 6-months as the living-breathing people (the church) who are following in the footsteps of Jesus, trying to model our life after the God-Made-Flesh.

Learn-By-Heart Verse for the Week (NIV Translation):
God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of the fact.  Acts 2:32

This Week’s Scripture PassageActs 2:1-32

Read the scripture passage and then ponder these questions as a family (simplify for younger children – or rephrase as you need to – as you reflect on "Pentecost" and the Holy Spirit)…
1.      On the Day of Pentecost, the sound of “rushing wind” was heard and the image of “tongues of fire” was seen.  “Wind” and “fire” are words used to describe the Holy Spirit.  Why do you think these words are used for the Holy Spirit?  What exactly is the “Holy Spirit”?
2.      Bishop Will Willimon said the following, “In the Acts of the Apostles (which some say should be called ‘The Acts of the Holy Spirit’) the church is always on the move, always pushing out, always outward rather than inward, always being drawn, pulled and pushed by the Holy Spirit into ‘Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth.’”  How is the Holy Spirit prodding you?  Are you following the Spirit’s leading in your life?  Are you “on the move” for God?  Are you thinking of others and not just yourself?  Are you telling the story of God both near and far?

Dear Jesus,
We give thanks for the Holy Spirit that moves amongst us.
May we have the passion of the early church in Acts
            And may we, too, be witnesses to God’s grace.
Give us dreams and visions of a God-breathed world
            And help us bring those dreams and visions into reality.
In Your name we pray,

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Family Dinner & Devos, May 6-12

We are in the midst of the 50 days of Easter… and looking for signs of (new) life… so ask one another:
“Where did you see signs of life this week?”

Learn-By-Heart Verse for the Week (NIV Translation):
Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God.  Acts 16:25

This Week’s Scripture Passage:  Acts 16:16-34

Read the scripture passage and then ponder these questions as a family (simplify for younger children – or rephrase as you need to)…
1.  Paul and his friend Silas were wrongfully thrown in prison.  They were healing and preaching in Jesus' name, but got in trouble with the authorities.  Have you every been unfairly accused of being wrong (like a sibling blaming you for something broken, or a co-worker blaming your for a missed deadline... or someone speaking poorly of you because of your faith in Jesus)?  When that happened, what did you do?
2.  Even though Paul and Silas had been unfairly locked behind bars, they did not spot praising God.  In fact, the scripture says that at midnight, they were "praying and singing hymns to God."  What do you think compelled them to do that?  
3.  In the book THE CIRCLE MAKER, author and pastor Mark Batterson encourages people to "pray through" challenges and to circle our hopes and dreams in prayer.  He and his church "prayed through" the challenges of finances and city ordinances and circled in prayer their vision to open a Christian coffee house on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.  The 8th Grade students from Ascension Lutheran School, along with Pastor Steve and Pastor Chamie, visited this coffee house on their trip last week.  They were inspired by the ministry that takes place there.  What is happening in your own life right now that may require you to "pray through"?  What hopes or dreams might you need to "circle in prayer"?
4.  In this Easter season, how is "praying and signing hymns to God" part of resurrection-living?

And the “Easter-season” question…
Ask one another around the table a version of the “Easter-season question”… “Where did you experience joy in life this week?” or “When did you feel fully alive?” or “When did you experience the abundant life that Jesus promised?” or “Where did you see new life?”

Book study…
An invitation to adults… do you ever wonder what “resurrection” means in your daily life?  Why does Easter make such a difference?  How do we live fully?  You are invited to read Living the Resurrection by Eugene Peterson... and later this month we will talk about the book.

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for the example of Paul and Silas who prayed and sang in the midst of a challenge.
Thank you for their example of grace.
Help us to "pray through" our own challenges.
Help us to "circle in prayer" the dreams you have for us.
May we sing your praises everyday.